Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Title Research

Today we gathered together and looked at some film noir titles, and took note of what themes came up. We then went onto a Theasaurus website, and picked out our favourite words for each theme. These were;
- Women - vixen
- Violence - vehemence, tumult, fervor, ferocity, compulsion
- Suspense - potboiler, indecisive, cloak and dagger
- Sex - magnetism, coitus
- Trap - subterfuge, deception, inveigle, machination.
We then looked at these words, and some more film titles, and we liked the sound of 'Touch Of..' so we decided to see what it sounded like with different words, and our favourite was 'Touch Of Vehemence.' Therefore this is what we have decided to call our film.

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