Saturday, February 13, 2010


One of our teachers and a few of our classmates, gave us some feedback about our film so far. We are going to take this advice into account, and refilm in a few days and then edit it.

The pros of our film were:
- They liked the close-ups; they built tension and looked sexy.
.. this is what we wanted the close-ups to do, because the tension has to build throughout the piece and our femme fatale is meant to be sexy.
- Liked jazz music with foreboding sound over the top.
.. the foreboding sound was supposed to have an effect on the jazz music so that our femme fatale comes across as threatening.
- The opening title sequence draws you in, you want to know whether the femme fatale is a protagonist or antagonist, and this creates enigma.
.. we want our opening title sequence to have an effect on whether the audience think the femme fatale is good or bad, and they have to watch the film to find out.
- Liked the colours
.. we don't want our opening title sequence to be black and white, because we want the reds to come out nicely.
- They liked the light at the top of the stairs shining down on the femme fatale because it looked angelic.
.. we wanted the lighting effects in our opening title sequence to be interesting so they had a good effect on the audience.
- The lampposts and the house front lights, all created good effects.
.. again we wanted our lighting to be interesting.

The cons of our film were:
- The titles were too repetitive.
.. to prevent this, we have changed the titles, so they don't look too repetitive,
- Titles need to be made more professional looking.
.. to do this we have made our titles, produced by.. edited by.. directed by.. insteaeed of filmed and edited by..
- Font looked to masculine, needed to look more feminine.
.. we changed the font to a more girly looking font, than a simple one.
- See torches in background.
.. Me and Danielle were in the background of one of the shots holding up a torch, we didn't realise we were in the shot until we uploaded it, so that is something we are going to film again.
- Didn't use a tripod, some bits were wobbly.
.. we are going to refilm bits that came out to wobbly using a tripod.
- The text needs a reaction, who was it to/from?
.. when we add in our vioceover the text is going to be explained.
- It would be good if we saw the man and there was some sort of violence, like a knife in a pocket or a gun.
.. we are going film another bit to our opening title sequence, with viloence, and you will have to wait and see this after we have filmed it to hear about how successful it was.

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