Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Target Audience

Target audience is the group (the consumers) the product is directed at. It is normally to do with the age/gender/class.etc. Each production has a specific audience and target audiences are normally from the Acorn System. The Acorn System is based on somebody's income/education/work.
I am now going to go over the different qualitative measurements and define what they are.

- Active- they choose to see the movie.

- Passive- they non-deliberately experience it, for example, they could just be dragged by a friend but not actually want to be there.

- Preferred- the audience that the film is targeted at.

For the next three, I am going to give a few examples of films.

- Hedonist- purely devoted to their audience, they take risks and like to try out different things. For example, 'Saw' films, 'Scary Movie' films, '3D films'.etc

- Traditionalist- stick to what they know, they have always liked them. For example, Bambi, Peter Pan, 101 Dalmations, Toy Story, Finding Nemo.etc

-Post-Modernist- A film that was modern years back, and does a remake of it to make it modern for nowadays. The target audience would tend to be older people because when the originals were about they would have seen them. For example, Scream, Buffy, Kill Bill, Star Trek.

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